Creator Payments 2023-24

Statistics – February 2024
Overview of the 2023-24 PLR Program
Registered authors: 20,091
Authors receiving payments: 18,247
Eligible titles in PLR database: 94,982
Titles found: 84,583
Total amount paid to authors: $14,696,212.91
Minimum author payment: $50.00
Maximum author payment: $4,500.00
Average author payment: $806.00
Median author payment: $399.91
Library sampling
PLR payments are determined based on how often a title shows up in an annual survey of select public library system catalogues across Canada. We survey each participating system for all eligible titles.
Calculating the payments
PLR payments are calculated using a four-category payment scale. The categories correspond to the number of years that a title has been registered with the program. This year, for any title found in the PLR’s library sampling, the payment was calculated as follows:
Year Title was Registered with PLR | Payment if Title Found |
Category I: 2019-2023 | $61.53 |
Category II: 2014-2018 | $49.22 |
Category III: 2009-2013 | $43.07 |
Category IV: 1999-2008 | $30.76 |
The amounts in this scale apply to authors claiming 100% of a PLR payment. In situations where there is more than one eligible contributor to a book, payment is calculated based on the percentage of the book’s content that was claimed.
Re-Activated Files: An author whose file is re-activated will receive payments based on the category corresponding to the original date of registration of their titles.