Update Your Contact Information

It is important for us to have your correct contact information at all times. If we lose contact with you for 2 years in a row, we will close your file.
How to let us know if you change your address
Note: Your PLR File Number is 4 to 5 digits (e.g., 12345 or PE12345)
- If you know your PLR File Number, please use the electronic form below.
- If you do not know your PLR File Number, inform us using one of the following four methods:
- Return your File Update form to us with your new address on it. Please be sure to sign and date the form.
- Send an email to plr@canadacouncil.ca with your former address and your new contact information.
- Mail a letter with your former address and your new contact information (the Program's address can be found on the Contact Us page).
- Call to confirm your former address and your new contact information (the PLR phone number and office hours can be found on the Contact Us page).