Update Your Contact Information

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It is important for us to have your correct contact information at all times. If we lose contact with you for 2 years in a row, we will close your file.

How to let us know if you change your address

Note: Your PLR File Number is 4 to 5 digits (e.g., 12345 or PE12345)

  1. If you know your PLR File Number, please use the electronic form below.
  2. If you do not know your PLR File Number, inform us using one of the following four methods:
    • Return your File Update form to us with your new address on it. Please be sure to sign and date the form.
    • Send an email to plr@canadacouncil.ca with your former address and your new contact information.
    • Mail a letter with your former address and your new contact information (the Program's address can be found on the Contact Us page).
    • Call to confirm your former address and your new contact information (the PLR phone number and office hours can be found on the Contact Us page).
Personal information


Old address

New address